Thursday, 28 March 2013

Better late than never!

Ok so its the 2nd week of the easter break and i'm updating the blog for the first time in nearly 3 weeks, why you may ask, have I held off from doing it for so long?


That is just how my brain works, one channel opens and another closes, I've been on a bit of a fitness binge over the past 2 weeks and I have totally forgotten to update the blog while still continuing with my drawing.

The week of the 10th of March was a bit manic, I have found that apparently I need a downtime between travelling and reverting back to normal routine, as I was effectively brain dead outside of uni and struggled with the most simple tasks, proof of the epic creative exhaustion I was suffering from being the 24 hours worth of sleep in 2 days I got once we finished on friday.

So work wise, carried on with relevant projects, found it a bit of a faff thinking of how to build my systems drawing so I have changed my mind on the subject and will be using a 20 sided die and a list of rules.

Personal projects are still going strong, if currently a little in flux. Print was a productive session and got some good feedback from the tutorial with the direction I am taking that. My memory driven architectural drawings are moving along at a nice pace, even if one has currently stalled slightly due to a room haven been forgotten and then remembered and messing up the original plan. Still unsure of who to look for in terms of research but will email some folks and see if I get any decent suggestions.

Non term time work is pretty much the above, and really need to get into the nitty gritty of getting out of the sketchbook phase which will start next week, as well as research and planning the essay, the drawing and written word question looks interesting so I'll give that a whirl.

Will be updating this more regularly next week.

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